So I sit and listen, to all of the things going on with them. Not only in their bodies, but in their heads and their hearts as well, both past and present. Not only do I believe that it is ALL relevant, I believe it is necessary to get an understanding of the person as a whole.
Then I try to engage and positively affect as many systems as possible in hopes of creating an environment within them that allows for a positive change to the whole.
I sit and work with them for however long it takes...
Sometimes it is only 4-6 hours, but sometimes it can go as long as 12 and even up to 14 hours. Everyone is different. Everyone needs a different approach and a different amount of time.
If that still leaves you unclear, this might help...
I have had a lot of people call it the, "Ayahuasca of Bodywork". But I liken it more to Iboga... Having done both, it is more similar to the latter in it's effects. Those who have done both usually refer to it as the, "Iboga of Bodywork".
For a deep understanding and the best explanation I have ever found of Lomi Lomi and Huna, the philosophy behind it, visit