"From the very beginning of my existence here on earth, my life has been crazy. My body has been in fight or flight mode for as long as I can remember. I have been on a path to self love and care for a while now. However, along the way I would find myself at a brick wall. Certain things I could just not get over, emotional blockers that I couldn't get past and would find myself in situations repeating itself time and time again.
The constant tension in my neck and lower back with pain from my fingertips to my shoulders, and the limp in my stride screamed for attention. I had been consistently going to the chiropractor for years and getting massages occasionally but no real relief, I had read numerous articles on how our body stores emotions. I knew I needed help. I had been following Kyle's work for quite some time and finally was ready for him to help me. I had never had bodywork like this done before so he had his work cut out for him and he was up for it. We sat down, talked about life and then he got to work.
He had 33 years of stored trauma and stress to work out. He put in six hours of serious work on me. I cried and sobbed at times but he coached my breathing and pushed through with love and care. Six hours felt like three at the most. He broke every lock and pushed through every block. I instantly felt better, physically and emotionally. Fact of the matter is that the body never forgets. Our bodies are a map and storage house of every experience we have ever had. I believe this. And now thanks to Kyle I can continue to tackle daily life without the burden of carrying yesterday's pain. So if you're like me, sore all over and ready to feel better, then contact Kyle and let the shit go! You will be so happy you did. Letting go never hurt so good! Thank you Kyle."
- Ashley Cole-Conner