"My massage With Kyle was by far the best massage I've ever had, truly. It was a journey of pleasure and pain, the pain being his ability to intuit precisely what my body needed, where to go and how to heal, where to release the tension and emotion stored in my body. Kyle'senergy is gentle, grounding, safe, and his hands arestrong. He knows how to balance the energies between hard and soft so that you get what you need from massage muscularly but leave the massage feeling amazing and blissful.
It was a sensual experience, entirely comfortable and professional. One time prior to the full body massage he had worked on a spot in my left wrist with a few movements, release and stretches my wrist not only felt better immediately but the pain had gone away completely and has not returned. I encourage everyone to treat themselves to the odyssey that is his masterful massage, it's worth every minute and every dollar. He's a natural and has a beautiful gift to be shared with every-body."
-Jasmyn S. Agneaux