"Kyle's bodywork is like nothing I've ever had. I was experiencing major neck/back pain and my mobility was not good for over a month, I was getting a massage once a week going to the chiropractor, stretching yoga, hot compresses, cold compresses, just trying to feel better. Nothing was working, I asked my fitness coach if she had any suggestions and she referred me to Kyle.
.When I met Kyle he was very kind and I could tell he was very spiritually and energetically in-tune to people and their bodies. We had a talk about my physical and emotional life and then we started the longest, most painful, best massage of my life. My body took 5 hours but Kyle worked through every single muscle in my body (including muscles I didn't even know I had). At the end he sent me some links to help me strengthen the muscles that were causing the other muscles to hurt. The day after I was very sore but 3 days later I had more mobility than I had in along time!
To sum it up, treat yourself and give yourself the love it deserves, I’d refer Kyle to ANYBODY (that can handle the hurt so good kind of pain) this is not a fall-asleep practice, prepare to be fully engaged with your breath and intention! Thank you Kyle! "
- Jenessa Knight