"I've known Kyle for what seems like forever. Going to the same elementary school, we all had our ideas of what we wanted to be when we got older. When Kyle started bodywork therapy, I was so happy for him! He's a strong guy, so it seemed like the perfect thing for him. He did not jump into it right away though, instead he traveled, learning different methods and techniques to combine with his massage to create an overall healing experience. I own a cleaning business and my workers know that whether we are cleaning vacation rentals, or doing move out cleans on residential homes, it is very hard work!
When I got my workers a session with Kyle, they were amazed at how rejuvenated they felt, not just right after but for weeks after. One worker told me, ‘I do not like people to touch my body. I haven't gotten a massage in ages but, I felt like Kyle has healing hands! Tension that had built up in my back for so long seems to be completely loosened up. How often will we get perks!?’
As for myself, I absolutely love his work! When your body is feeling good your mind works better. After a session with Kyle, I wouldn't go to anyone else!"
- Lea Prescott