"Where do I start. It is very hard to put such a profound, life changing experience into words. To begin - I was very hesitant to getting bodywork done! But I was convinced by someone who I trust so I decided to give it a try. The session with Kyle started with a long conversation. He was very patient and listened to everything I had to say. It was very hard for me to open up about my personal life to a complete stranger but somehow I ended up opening up to him.
He made the environment very comfortable and I felt safe to open up! Also, while talking he observed my body language and picked up lot of messages my body was trying to convey! I noticed it every time I paused or couldn't find words to say, he knew how I was feeling inside out! Kyle informed me about what could happen and what to expect on the table. He was very honest in what his work can bring on. He told me if I was not ready, that we don't need to continue and I could leave at anytime but this made me feel more comfortable and safe and I knew l was in good hands! One thing he told me which I will always remember is, "Think about yourself first and nothing else on the table". I was amazed to hear that, as I am a person who always thinks about others comfort, others happiness etc. Finally, I got on the table - a bit nervous and the session starts. He was gentle and very caring and it felt like his hands knew exactly what my body needed, where the painand stress was stored! I did not have to say anything during the session. When the intensity picked up he informed me about it beforehand and gave me permission to scream, cry, yell, get angry, whatever I needed to do to let it out in whatever way the body needs to.
He has magic in his hands. it went to the root of some of my issues I have been ignoring/suppressing for years! Kyle did not care about his lunch/dinner/snacks. All he cared about was healing the person on the table! Kyle is aTRUE healer. After the session he told me to relax and integrate for the next couple of days. Kyle's work felt like a psychedelic journey! I feel lucky and blessed to have found Kyle. I would recommend him to EVERYONE! You will not find another one like him!”